I Heart Real Estate, LLC

FAITH, FAMILY, and HOUSES are the fundamental beliefs of our organization. These guiding principles dictate our behavior and highlight what we stand for.

(614) 989-0569

(800) 259-7670


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 600, Novi, MI 48375

545 Metro Place, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43017

312 S. 4th Street, Suite 700, Louisville, KY 40202


Ohio Corporate License Number 2018005240

Michigan Corporate License Number 6505416153

Pennsylvania Corporate License Number RB069409

Kentucky Corporate License Number 216601

Indiana Corporate License Number RC54200001


#99pmpd Tag

What’s the meaning of I Heart Real Estate's hashtag #99pmpd? We have all become accustomed to seeing them, these words or phrases preceded by a hash mark (#) and used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it. Really, hashtags are pretty remarkable, they are tools utilized by a variety of users to create awareness, to brand, to market, and trend conversations. Hashtags are almost 10 years old and #love (as an example) has been used more